Copyright Joan Whitman Hoff. All rights reserved.

Joan Whitman Hoff, Ph.D.


Listen to my podcast, compliments of Skip Cohen and  Bryan Caporicci .

Read my interview with Leadership and More:

About Me

Thank you for visiting my page! My passion is to provide the framework for the development of critical thinking skills and decision making for professionals.

My Ph.D. was awarded by The American University.  Since, professionals in various fields have benefitted from hundreds of presentations and workshops across the globe.

Some key workshops have focused on leadership and professional ethics for entrepreneurs and experts in health care, business, education, and photography.  My expertise in administration, mentoring, arbitration, and mediation has complemented my experience as an award-winning educator. 

Please explore this site for some of the details of my publications, workshops, seminars, and keynote addresses, and for an overview of some of the grants I have received, nationally and internationally.

For a complete list of my activities and achievements, or to inquire about my professional services, please contact me at or 570-786-9347.

Select Topics

Ethics and Entrepreneurship 

​What's Your Philosophy of Business?

Being the Best You Can Be

Career Transitions: Identifying Your Skills and Talents from Your Life's Work.

Understanding Professional Codes of Ethics

Writing a Code of Ethics for Your Organization

Writing a Code of Ethics for Your Small Business

The Moral Dimension of Being a professional: Why it Matters to Your Business

Ethical Leadership

Respectful Engagement with Clients

Developing Your Critical Thinking Skills

Resolving Conflicts in Your Profession

   Art, Photography, and Aesthetics

Teaching and Learning Online